Students have a home screen similar to that of teachers with their school in the upper left, the news river, and a calendar. While teachers see a list of all of the classes they are currently teaching, the students' Classes panel will display a list of the classes that they are currently enrolled in. For each class, the student will be shown the name of the class, a picture of the teacher, and a counter of how many new items are in the class.
(1) The Navigation Bar
- The Navigation Bar is located at the top of every page in Te Rito with access to Messages, the calendar, the Launchpad, and Notifications.
(2) Access to the School and Community of Learning pages
- From the organisation pages students can view the staff, groups, documents and calendar associated with the organisation. Students can also submit an article to the organisation's News River by clicking 'Submit an article'.
(3) Classes Panel
- From the classes panel, students can click the Class Activity button to be taken straight to the class feed. New posts in the Class feed appear as red bubble notifications beside the Class Activity button. New assessments or results appear as notifications in the red bubble beside the My Work button.
- Students can also click the My Work button to be taken straight to the assessments page.
- The assessments page shows incomplete, upcoming, graded, and ungraded assessments.
(4) Access to your Portfolio and Learning Story
Each student has their own Te Rito portfolio, which is like a personal blog. In the Portfolio, students can create posts about their academic or extracurricular successes. Teachers can also make posts if required.
The Learning Story tab shows the teacher(s) of the class a feed of evidence items that have been shared with the student and parents/guardians of the student.
(5) Groups Panel
The My Groups panel is in the centre of the home screen and displays all groups a user is a member of.
(6) You might like… Panel
Group suggestions personalized to your interests. Your interests can be edited in the 'My Interests' tab in settings. Read more about personalizing your interests here.
(7) Applications
Where unique applications that have been built for Te Rito users appear.
(8) News River
The News River collates news items from all of the different organisations a user is a member of into a single view.
(9) Recent Activity
- The student’s Recent Activity contains all posts made by teachers in the classes that the student is a member of.
(10) Personal Calendar
Contains the amalgamated view of all of the items on all of the calendars of all of the classes and all of the groups of which the student is a member.