Content created within Te Rito Groups, Classes or Personal folders can be shared with other teachers through Learning Object Repository (LOR) groups.
Learning Object Repositories (LORs) are a type of group designed to help content creators store, categorise and share learning objects. Read more about LORs here.
To add content from a Group or Class content builder to a LOR group, open the content builder by clicking the Content title in the Course Content panel of a Class or Group and then click Edit to open the Content Builder.
The entire Course Content list can then be copied by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the Course name and selecting Copy. The course name is the first item in the list.
Single items (e.g., a Question Sheet, Page, Assessment etc.) can be copied by clicking the drop-down arrow next to their name and selecting Copy.
To paste the content in an LOR group, navigate to the LOR group and click the Paste button in the top right corner. The Paste option only appears in the LOR group when content has been copied.
This will open the Learning Object form where you can fill in details about your pasted Learning Object such as, Tags, Standards, Grade Level, Language, and Course Codes.
To copy content from your Personal folder to a LOR group, navigate to your Personal Folder.
Select the item you would like to copy.
Click Copy
Then navigate to the desired LOR group and paste the object as described above.