How to opt out of being discoverable in the directory as a teacher

By default, all staff can find all other staff using Te Rito and send them a private message. Parents from your school are also able to  find you and send you a private message. If you wish you can disable either of these features by following these steps:

  1. Log in with your teacher credentials.
  2.  Click on the drop-down arrow and click on settings. 
  3.  On the left-hand side of the web page, you’ll see five different tabs.
  4.  Click on ‘Other Settings’ 
  5. From the ‘Other Settings’ menu you can select and de-select the option of ‘Allow parents to find me using search and send unsolicited messages to me’ if you don't want parents of students at your school contacting you via private messaging.
  6. If you don't want staff from other schools being able to discover you and message you then you can disable that feature as well by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.

  7. Click 'Save' to save your changes