From the Portfolio, teachers can draft or publish new posts by clicking the + symbol in the top right corner.
Posts can included images, text, and uploaded files.
Post Visibility
Students and teachers can limit who sees a Portfolio post. By default, portfolio posts are visible to both the parents and teachers of the student. The visibility settings can be changed by clicking the Show To: drop-down menu at the top of the post form when creating or editing a post.
Tagging a Post
At the bottom of the post form, students and teachers can set the Subject, Year level, and create Tags for the post. This make posts easier to find and group together. To create a tag, enter the title of the tag and press the enter key to input the tag. Clicking anywhere on the screen will also input the tag. Te Rito automatically saves previously used tags so students and teachers can quickly input tag titles they’ve used frequently.
Publishing and Saving a Portfolio Post
Once the portfolio post is ready, click Save and Publish. It’s also possible to save the post as a draft to finish later by clicking Save Draft. Posts saved as drafts are visible to others (e.g., parents and teachers) who view the Portfolio. However, drafts are labelled.