After the teacher has submitted the attendance state, they can still edit the attendance state of their students. Sometimes a teacher may have accidentally marked a student present who is absent (or vise-versa). In other cases, a student may leave class early, becoming absent. Te RIto attendance is equipped to handle either case.
Attendance for a student who leaves class early
Changing a student from present to absent when a student leaves class:
- Click the Absent (A) button beside the student’s name.
- Set the Selected Time to the time the student left class.
- Click on the drop-down box beneath Reason to select a reason for the students’ absence. The comment is optional and will be seen by the Office, student, and parent.
- Click Save. The student’s updated attendance status is sent to the office, including the time the student became absent.
Accidentally marking a student present
If a student was accidentally marked as present in a submitted attendance sheet:
- Click the Absent (A) button beside the student’s name
- Select Start of Class in the Attendance Change box
- Click Save to send the student’s updated attendance status to the office.
Note: If the attendance sheet is submitted to the office with a student accidentally marked absent when they should have been marked present, simply click P beside their name to change their attendance status to present.